Wednesday, 2 December 2009


With the ceremony that took place last Thursday we end a cycle which started in 2002 when Professor Mari Luz Marco (the person in charge of the Selectivitat exams) and her team, which is formed by Pilar, Delfina and Silvio, decided to put a new challenge into practice in order to consolidate the Economy subject in Batxillerat and to make known an essential subject to understand the complex and global world where we live. Nowadays, this Olympiad is absolutely consolidated and has achieved its purposes. It started at the Universitat de València and was expanded little by little. The Universitat Politècnica joined first, later on joined the other universities in the País Valencià and finally the Olympiad was opened for all universities that wanted to take part in. The final result was the celebration of the I Spanish Economics Olympiad with the already known results, and the participation of students and the support of the academic authorities.
Our department has participated and collaborated from de beginning, both the students who participated in the different exams (those who got a prize and those who didn’t) and the teachers who were working in Xàtiva. Among the teachers we have to mention Conxa Cuenca, who last year did everything she could to help Pau.
As we said previously, during the year 2002-2003 we started our way along the Olympiads with a group of enthusiastic students who went very excitedly to the Faculty of Economics to do their first exam at the university. They really enjoyed their first conversations with their future classmates and also doing the exam, without worrying about results or marks. We received a call from de dean’s office to tell us that Miriam Balaguer had won a prize. We passed by the following years, 2004-2005, almost unnoticed. But with the same thrill we went to the university and did an exam based on a syllabus we had been teaching since long time ago, we thought that this syllabus was important to the integral development of the students, to their daily life, but also to their future enrolment in studies related to economics.
At this point, we achieved success again in the following editions with Joan Diaz, Tino Sarrión, Estanis Sanchis, and last year Pau Belda who got a doubly important success. Always carrying on a determined preparation both teachers and students and working on a settled syllabus that can help us understand how this world works.
This year comes into effect the law that changes the Economics subject in the second year of Batxillerat, now it is taught Economics and Business Organization. As we said at the beginning a cycle ends... The subject changes, the Selectivitat changes too, and also the person in charge of it. Things will never be the way they were.
Translated by Laura Pons

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