Wednesday, 6 October 2010


GDP growth in 2011 to be slower than thought, says IMF


the gunner said...

well, i think that the things that this reporter explains are obvius. the countries with emerging and developing economies going to stop the countries with advanced economy, because the people who invest, prefer invest in tese countries like china or india that countries like UK or USA. I think that this is because the countries with emerging and developing economies the people have more desire to work, and work more hard.
And the other subject that teel the text, that the advance economies can be shock, it's definetly true, it's possible see it in the "petrol facotry" BP that because of an accident, had an important shock and they lose a lot of money.
this is my first comment in english, i don't know if I undesrtand well the text.

gunner said...

i did a mistake, is not "And the other subject that teel the text" is "and the other subject that tell the text"