Tuesday, 10 June 2008



Joan D. said...

I remember when you explained us the opportunity cost through the Michael Jordan example. Do you remember? :)

Ups! I have seen our photos in your photo gallery! It was a great time!

And I have to thanks you for your help with my schoolarship.

Let's continue with this blog. I'll visit it often!

A huge hug!
See you soon!

staniset said...

Hi Emilio!!! Here's your lucky looser!!!

This blog is just amazing! It's easy to understand what the videos are saying so I'm really thinking studyng economics in English next year.

Well, I hope you have a good time in England!! see ya soon (maybe tomorrow)

Albert said...

Hello my English friend!!!
How do you do?
First of all, I have to say that I have enjoyed the videos, they are easy to understand and very interesting.
But remember that you must do something similar witj us and teach us in English!
Don´t forget it, I´m lookin forward to see you teaching in English.
So, have a great time in England, and if you want to come to see us in Ireland,we´ll be waiting for you.
I´m sure I´ll see you soon, take care and be good.
Your student-friend-nephew,