Photo dated from the mid-90s
The University of Valencia holds the electoral process to renew the vice-chancellor who will manage it during the next years, and as we know, four candidates stand for this post: a Professor of Medieval History; a Professor of Pharmacology; the Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting, Maria Antonia Garcia, and the Professor of Applied Economics, Vicent Soler. It is quite unusual that four people stand for this post, and even more that two of them belong to the same faculty, in this case, the Faculty of Economics.
In March 1980, one of the candidates, Vicent Soler, started his collaboration with the teacher who writes these lines presenting to the students who filled the auditorium of the high school the book in which he worked as co-author, Introducció a l’economia del País Valencià (Introduction to the Economy of the País Valencià), and which has been a reference book for the study of the Economy in the País Valencià. So well, since then, he has been Conseller (member of the Valencian parliament), vice president of the Valencian parliament, etc. But regardless of his public office he has never dissociated himself from the University that now wants to manage, and has always found time in his full diary to visit our students.
He collaborated with the high school in many ways. We can say that there is a series of institutionalized visits, both the visit to the University and to the Corts Valencianes (Valencian parliament). It must be said that Vicent not only helped to make these visits but also he himself directed and explained exclusively for our students how the Valencian parliament works and the different itineraries of the Economics and Management studies.
In this blog we have also graphic documents of the participation of Vicent in the tribute that the Economics departments of the three state high schools paid to Ernest Lluch, a great Professor of many Valencian economists who learnt from his knowledge before his death at the hands of ETA. Vicent was his main disciple and updated the pioneering book of the Valencian economy, La via valenciana, written by Lluch.
We could go on explaining common visits and experiences, but what we want to emphasize is his compromise with the society, especially with the education at any level. We would be very happy if a collaborator of this department became vice-chancellor of the University of Valencia. He can count on all our support and confidence.
Translated by Laura Pons