Sunday, 21 November 2010


G-20 Failure Moves Global Economy to Brink of Protectionism
By Robert Reich, Economic2b


Anonymous said...

I love these mornings when you wake up with this charming voice on the radio who says that this is the great day,the one in which the biggest politicians are meeting to solve all the economic problems,to take away all the whole horror and suffering from the impoverished families,from the unemployed.But,oh no!,I have heard this before,probably so many times.That's the part when I realize that this meeting doesn't mean anything,in any case the things will go worse.Sorry if you really thought that all these kind and solidary people would reach an agreement so easily.
And now we have the results, the UNITED STATES announce,no ,sorry
it doesn't announce anything,just full the meeting with words,words and more words without any content,what takes us to the fact that the dollar continues being very valued, with a very high interest rate, which produces an impoverishment of other countries that will reduce the interest rate of his currency and will choose for the protectionism.In conclusion,no nation can prosper if it is not at the cost of that impoverishes other one.So that's the help and cooperation between the main countries.And I thought that the morning started well.

Anonymous said...

I have forgotten the name:ITZIAR GARCÍA BELLVER