Monday 23 May 2011

Krugman weekly

Making Things in America
By PAUL KRUGMAN, Spanish version in Economic2b

1 comment:

dani said...

Once again the American Republican economic policies have been uncovered in front of the new measures taken by the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve, its incompetence.
One of the advantages that the U.S. against Europe, is the depreciation of its currency, however Europe has to struggle with many countries formants to reach an agreement may reduce its value.
Thanks to these measures to devalue the dollar, the United States have become much more competitive industry and both have favored the return U.S. industries, thanks in part to the devaluation and the support from the government and the Federal Reserve to Chrysler and GM.
One of the main consequences of these measures is to reduce unemployment and increase employment, to preserve jobs at GM and Chrysler and the arrival of new businesses, and promoting and reviving the economy a little.
A country does not cease to be stronger to depreciate its currency, but it shows to be making serious steps to solve the existing economic problems.
Depreciation case reminds me of Spain after Franco's autarky, when Spain was opened for a common market and thanks to the devaluation of the peseta was able to deal in some way to competitive products from foreign countries.
We hope that Spain will quickly find his formula for reviving the economy and to reduce the number of unemployed in the country.

Dani Agulló